Friday, June 28, 2019

Pastoral Care Ministry

His Life Ministries
Pastoral Care Ministry

Course: Pastoral Ministry

Course Sessions:
a)     Every Wednesday 10:15 AM for 1 hour.
b)     This class will  run for 6 weeks from June 26 to July 31, 2019
c)     Class will start on June 26, 2019

 Course Description:
·         This course is designed to provide our Divinity students with an overview of the pastoral, or “shepherding”  gift and function in the Body of Christ or the church.
·         At its most basic definition, The word pastor comes from the Latin word for “shepherd”. Thus Pastoral ministry is the ministry of shepherding God’s people. It’s a leadership picture that uses the image of the shepherd to describe the roles and responsibilities of those who lead God’s people.
·         Pasturing others involve having the knowledge, the ministry gift, and the desire to deal gently with those whom we are called to serve,  It’s an idea that starts with God himself. God is the Shepherd and he leads his sheep where he wants them to go.
·         Develop understanding and skills in areas of specific pastoral ministry (especially the theology and practice of His Life Ministries goals, vision and application), in the general skills of listening, communicating, enabling and encouraging.

Goals and Objectives:
1.      For every Divinity student to understand the responsibility/ies that involves in the calling of being a pastor.
2.      For every Divinity student to be aware of Biblical passages that speak to the “shepherding/pastoral” needs of members of the Body of Christ.
3.      For every Divinity student to understand your involvement in the lives of others, which include counseling, visiting, making contacts through baptism, weddings, bereavement, child dedication, business dedication and other  that need pastoral care. 
4.      For every Divinity student to do pastoral care with the vision of Glorifying God and making Disciples by using our WIN, BOND, TRAIN SEND  design.

Grading Procedure:
a) Class Attendance – 6 sessions (5 points per class) = 30 Points.
b) Summary or reflection of the topic = 20 points
    (250 word devotional type due one week after the last session).
c) Research of the given topic = 20 points
d) Class Participation = 20 points.
f) Actual Participation of the ministry subject = 10 points.
Total = 100 points

Course Outline:
Week 1           Intro: Biblical Basis for Pastoral Care Ministry
Week 2           Gift-based ministry and the issue of the Calling
Week 3           Your Pastoral Care Profile
P - Proclamation-centered Pastoral Care.
R - Relationship-centered Pastoral Care.
H - Health-centered Pastoral Care.
T - Theologically-centered Pastoral Care.
Week 4           Pastoral Basic Functions
Child Dedication
Conducting Marriage
Bereavement Service (Necrological Service)
Counseling / Serving People in Transition
Week 5          Developing Church Leaders

Week 6          Basic Administration / Overseers

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